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WATCH NOW | Wade Lecture 2024 presents Professor Joanna Wardlow CBE: “Neuroimaging and its spectacular insights into brain health and disease”

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This year's Wade Lecture took place on Tuesday 29th October, and welcomed Professor Joanna Wardlaw CBE, with her talk "Neuroimaging and its spectacular insights into brain health and disease". The lecture was hosted by Professor Roxi Carare. Professor Carare is Head of School at the University of Southampton with research interests in dementia and neurodegenerative diseases.

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Professor Joanna Wardlaw, CBE, MD, FRSE, FMedSci, is Professor of Applied Neuroimaging at the University of Edinburgh, Foundation Chair in the UK Dementia Research Institute, and Consultant Neuroradiologist for NHS Lothian. Her work focuses on understanding the brain and its blood supply, and on treatments to improve blood flow to the brain, including thrombolytic drugs that are now in routine use to treat stroke, and more recently on treatments for small vessel disease and vascular dementia.

Summary of talk:

This short lecture highlights important milestones in the development of modern neuroimaging and discusses key insights that are driving advances in common brain diseases. These include primary diseases of the blood vessels, such as stroke, and diseases of the neurons and supporting glia, such as dementia and multiple sclerosis.

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