Hartley News Online Your alumni and supporter magazine

Watch or Listen to Event Recordings

Take a look through our events recording collection below - we have a fantastic back catalogue of lectures, talks and online events on wide range of topics!

Watch Past Events

Spring Careers Fairs

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The Spring Careers Fairs and Events programme kicks off in Spring 2025!

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Queering Connections: Glitchy Kinship

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This is the fifth iteration of the collaborative exhibition project ‘Queering Connections’. Based on an ongoing collaboration between sociologist Lizzie Reed and visual artist Milou Stella, the exhibition brings Stella’s recent work into conversation with selected Artists’ Books from the University of Southampton Library’s internationally renowned Artists’ Book Collection located at Winchester School of Art.

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In Conversation with David Harewood

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Exploring the impact of being Black in Britain, this discussion will examine what it means to struggle, suffer, survive, and succeed, focusing on David Harewood’s work in acting, writing, and production. Key questions will be addressed, including: to what extent do language and cultural differences shape conversations around race and mental health?

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WATCH NOW: A Deep Dive into Cancer Vaccines: Uncovering the groundbreaking science behind the deadlines | Cancer Immunology Hybrid Lecture

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Watch the recording of this annual lecture, held on Wednesday 27th January: A Deep Dive into Cancer Vaccines: Uncovering the ground-breaking science behind the headlines. This lecture demonstrated the world-leading Cancer Immunology research at the University of Southampton. During this event, our experts shared how our world class cancer immunology research is helping to develop life-saving cancer vaccines. You will about the incredible impact of our work in cancer vaccines through the story of one of our patients, and find out how donations from alumni and supporters are driving forward this incredible, lifesaving research.

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Holocaust Memorial Day 2025

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On January 27th 2025 Southampton will mark the UK’s national Holocaust and Genocide Memorial Day (HMD) with a commemorative event organised by the Parkes Institute for the Study of Jewish/non-Jewish Relations (University of Southampton) on behalf of the city. This event is free, and all are welcome to attend. The commemorative event will take place in the Sir James Matthews Building (Above Bar Street, Southampton) on Monday 27 January 2025 from 6pm to 8pm (door will be open at 5.30 pm). Refreshments will be available before the event, and attendees will be able to tour the Parkes Institute’s newest exhibition and stalls featuring local community groups and anti-racism/refugee charities.

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Eastleigh Volunteer Fair 2025

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Join us at our Volunteering Fair in Eastleigh on Thursday 23rd January 2025, 4-7pm. You can reserve a free ticket on Eventbrite or just turn up on the day!

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