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The Parkes Institute presents the Annual Howard Rein Memorial Lecture | Child Health across Charedi Worlds | Dr Ben Kasstan-Dabush, University of Edinburgh

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Charedi Jewish families have been in the news for a number of disputes around healthcare, including childhood immunisation uptake and refusal to teach statutory relationships and sex education. This talk draws on fieldwork conducted in Jerusalem, New York and London to un-pick these narratives and show how relationships and ideas of religious freedom are shaped by place.

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Charedi Jewish families have been in the news for a number of disputes around healthcare, including childhood immunisation uptake and refusal to teach statutory relationships and sex education. This talk draws on fieldwork conducted in Jerusalem, New York and London to un-pick these narratives and show how relationships and ideas of religious freedom are shaped by place.


Dr Ben Kasstan-Dabush

Lecturer in Global Public Health

Global Health Policy Unit, University of Edinburgh

Event information

This event will be held in-person and online

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