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50th Anniversary Celebration – Environmental Sciences at Southampton

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FREE INVITATION: Students join us to celebrate 50 years of Environmental Science at Southampton: Friday 21 April 2023

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It has been 50 years since the first group of Environmental Science students started to study at Southampton. From humble beginnings we have expanded to run Undergraduate, Masters and Doctoral degrees; and carried out research that has helped make the world a better place.

As we look back over that time, and look forward to the next 50 years, we invite alumni, past and present staff, and students to come together for a celebration of what we have achieved together.

Book your free ticket here by midday on Thursday 20 April



13.30 registration with refreshments for 14.00 start

17:00 drinks and canapes reception

19.30 entry to bar and party with a photobooth and karaoke session

(From 19.30 Garden Court Suite in Building 40)


EEE Lecture Theatre

Building 32

University Road

Highfield Campus


SO17 1BJ


During the event, we’ll have a number of short talks including:

  • BBC TV environmentalist Megan McCubbin (recently seen on BBC Winterwatch)
  • Star alumni Josh Davies, Sustainability and Responsible Banking Senior Manager at Santander UK, Edie 30 Under 30 alumni: Next Gen Sustainability Leaders and Professor Jane Stout (Trinity Dublin).
  • We’ll also have a panel featuring alumni, students and other members of our community.


We look forward to seeing you there!

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Location and contact

University of Southampton - EEE Lecture Theatre - Building 32

University of Southampton - Highfield Campus - Building 32
University Road
SO17 1BJ