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33rd Wellington Lecture

In person
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The annual 33rd Wellington Lecture. 'L’Homme de l’Europe' Revisited: The Duke of Wellington and the Fight against Terror in post-Napoleonic

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Join us for our annual Wellington Lecture which will be returning this year to an in-person event. The lecture will take place on Tuesday 18 October on Highfield Campus.

We are honoured to welcome Professor Beatrice de Graaf, one of Europe’s most highly respected experts on the history of terrorism and security who will deliver her lecture: ‘L’Homme de l’Europe’ Revisited: The Duke of Wellington and the Fight against Terror in post-Napoleonic Europe.

Professor Beatrice de Graaf is Chair of History of International Relations & Global Governance at Utrecht University, Netherlands. She studied German language & culture and Modern History in Bonn and Utrecht, and defended her PhD in Utrecht in 2004. Beatrice held a visiting fellowship at St. Catherine’s College, Cambridge. In 2018 she received the Stevin Prize, the highest academic distinction in the Netherlands.

With an ERC consolidator grant, Beatrice founded the Security History Network and studies with her team how security is being historicized since 1800. Her books include Fighting Terror after Napoleon: How Europe Became Secure after 1815 (Cambridge University Press 2020). Beatrice recently won the 2022 Duc d’Arenberg Prize for the best book on European History.

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Location and contact

Room 1037, Building 67

University of Southampton
Highfield Campus
SO17 1BJ